A Blank Page

A blank page, the start of something new. A space for exploring the dark corners of my mind, and for sharing the shadows of what I find. It would have to be shadows, because how arrogant would I have to be to think I possessed the capacity to translate thought into words in a way to make all readers interpret and comprehend the same unfathomable concept as the one in my mind. Shadows and blurred outlines will have to suffice, as a hint to you and reminder to myself, an attempt to bring life and colour to things untouchable and invisible.

Writing. Writing for me is a tool, a tool I cherish. I hold a pen poised over paper, or wriggle my fingers over a keyboard and feel like I write on instinct. I don’t always follow my primary voice of consciousness, the narrator of my life, but normally find myself writing from a different part of my brain, one further back and less attention seeking. Sometimes I write, and then read it back to hear, for what seems like the first time, my own opinion on something. I find that this happens more when I write with pen and paper rather than a keyboard and screen. My unconscious thoughts flow out more organically and unpolluted through ink than text.

It is the wonder of writing that it teaches you so much about yourself.